Types of witches + BOOKS

I have noticed how most of the beginners worry about their label.
Let me tell you something, I was Wiccan,Satanist,Buddhist and my more until I finally step by step understood how my practice is about every practice there is. I find magick so interesting and I could never decide only for one path.

Witchcraft is something (in my opinion) that comes to you. When you are ready. So there is no need to find out all of the answers right now. Take your time and devote firstly to things you find best.
 Try Shamanism for a while. I mean,study about that. Give it a try. See how it feels. Try Wiccan a year and a day and see how it goes. You like herbs? Check out all the cool things you can do with it.
Magick is an amazing "place" to grow,learn and create. It is your personal path and you have an obligation to yourself. Not someone who is more experienced than you. If you get what I am  trying to say.
Magick is personal. You can either purely do witchcraft with no religion,you can follow a deity,you can just be religious or spiritual. How you design your path is all up to you. Of course some advice always comes in handy. At the end of the day,you chose how you deal with your craft

So here I will show you some types of witches and explain some.

  • GREEN WITCH- Green witches are keen on Mother Nature. They are very nature based. They are interested in medical things and herbs. Best would mix with a kitchen witch. Taurus sign is know to have this types of withes. They will grow their own herbs and are very good at making herbal remedies. Green witches acknowledge and earth mother or series of nature spirits as their deity. Green Wicca was popularized by Ann Moura. It is a form of green witchcraft.
  • TRADITIONAL WITCH- These witches take the path of traditional witchcraft. They are interested in the old ways. They work with moon cycles, rune symbols, planetary symbols,herbs... you name it. hey believe everything on this earth has a spirit or soul,so of course on the list of this witch believes you can find those in Upper World, Middle World and Under World. They do not follow Wiccan 3 fold law,however they relay on their own ethics and codes. I've seen many mistake this for Wicca and I have to disappoint you but Wicca is a new religion. Some of it roots sure may be in traditional witchcraft but when we are talking about traditional witchcraft as it is,we are talking about something traditional , before Christ,before you,before me,before David Bowie(not sure about that one tho :') ) and before Wicca.
  •   HEDGE WITCH- This path is somewhat shamanic in nature as they practice Earth-based spirituality. A bird of some kind is usually associated with the hedge witch and most commonly you will see the raven.
  "Hedge witch would have learned their trade or craft by word of mouth." 
More than likely they would have learned it from a family member or the former village witch.Hedge witchcraft also has another common thread; that magic isn't just about spells and potions. You can find magick anywhere it is in your morning coffee,art,sunny day,rainbow or a  touch from your lover. A hedge witch is a free spirit! 
Fun Fact:  The term, hedge witch, comes from the fact that your average European village, in time gone by, was surrounded by a hedge or woods. Beyond that hedge was unknown land, beyond their known perception. We could say Other World The village witches of this era usually lived just beyond or just before this hedge. The hedge was a metaphor for some one who practiced shamanic arts, a walker between the worlds. 

  • ECLECTIC WITCH - This witch is an individual who chooses from many different traditions and creates a personalized form of witchcraft. They don't follow any particular religion or Gods/Goddesses. I consider myself an eclectic witch is from the first hand I can tell you my only Goddess is Mother Nature. The mind of eclectic witch is always ready to learn and explore something new. Magick related or not. The never ending need for knowledge from all areas.   
"They like to explore and make their own mistakes and take from experiences in turn creating their own rules and traditions"
So as you might guess, if you meet 2 or more eclectic witches,you could be surprised how different they are!Many Eclectic Witches refer to themselves as Solitary Practioners, Sorcerors, Hedge Witches, Green, White, and Grey Witches.
  • KITCHEN WITCH-(aka – Cottage Witch & Hearth Witch)    
Ahhh..here we come to one of my favorite topics. Kitchen and magick! Kitchen witch goes by the elements, the Ancient Ones and nature. They are usually healers and highly respected.They work with plants, stones, flowers, trees, the elemental people, the gnomes and the fairies. However,the best kind of magick for this witch is found in the kitchen. They have a great intuition and know exactly what to put while mixing something up and what the does should be. Also,they are quite good with love recipes. So if you are in need,now you know where to ask.Usually the are under a sign of Cancer
"Potions, herbal remedies, and natural instincts for over protection of hearth and home."

This is it for this post, I shall continue writing about witches and different paths. I advise anyone interested in any part of this 5 types to read them. More is coming soon. I started working before college so it is kinda crazy here. But in few days you may expect 2 new posts, one being sequel of this one. The other one is a surprise but this place I work inspired me for it so I shall share. 

Stay tuned. You can apply to receive a mail from me anytime a new post has been published on the desktop version of this blog. As I said,don't worry about the spam. It only sends you my new post. 
If you have any questions or feel like there is some topic I should cover mail me at: thewitchesbroomcloset@yahoo.com

And as always, 
✌️ Morela


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