Pandora's box - Hope spell

The gods offered Pandora a box that held within numerous evils,diseases and other pain. One day Pandora opened the box,releasing all evils into the world. Shocked by what happened,she quickly tried to pull the lid back,only managing to trap hope inside.

 (The original Greek word for box was 'pithos', which is a large jar)

For more about this legend read here:
The Meaning of Pandora's Box - A Curse from Zeus on Mankind  

And for those who want to read  the full myth Pandora's Box

Now,let's get back to our spell.

You will need:
  • a box
  • fabric
  • flowers
  • holy water
  • pure intention 
  • candles (white)
Make ribbons out of fabric for 7 days before the full moon and place them in the box.
On the full moon open the box on the altar filled with flowers. Light the candles. Think how you want to give hope. How much difference it could make. Surround yourself with positive thoughts.
Make a drawn pentagram over the box with the candle 2 times. On the third time go slow and say

"Gods and Goddesses I ask thee
Enchant this ribbons to bring hope
To everyone who sees them on the trees
As I say so mote it be"
 Sprinkle the box with the blessed water as you say:

"Gods of water,gods of sea
Purify this ribbons to bring
Hope and clarity"

Leave the box open for the night out on the open. It can be on your window if you don't have a place to place it outside. Let the candle burn out. Save the wax as an amulet and take the box.
Tie ribbons on trees until you run out of them.


P.s. This is one of my favorite spells I wrote so far 

✌️ Morela



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