Feline magick

Feline magick also knows as cat magick is a form of magick that involves pets as a familiar.

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All over the world there are stories about cats and magick. It was said that deliberately hurting the cat would bring misfortune. 
If a black cat crosses your path it means bad luck. An old sailors’ tale cautions against throwing the ship’s cat overboard. The tale said that this would  guarantee stormy seas, rough wind, and possibly even a sinking. 
In Japan, the maneki-neko is a cat figurine who brings good luck into your home. It is usually made of ceramic and a paw up is a welcome sign. It can often be found in feng shui.

"Feng shui or fengshui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. It is closely linked to Taoism." 

Slikovni rezultat za maneki neko cat

It is believed that :

  • Cats can predict the weather,death...
  • Sixteenth-century Italians believed that if a black cat jumped on the bed of an ill person, the person would soon die.
  • If you find a single white hair on your otherwise-black cat, it's a good omen.
  • If the cat scratches at furniture storms will arrive soon.
  • To dream of cats means good luck for you and your home.
  • If a cat sneezes near a bride to be, she was will live a long and happy life.
Cat myths come from Egypt and its presentation of cats as the embodiment of gods. Bastet was a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion and in Greek mythology she is known as αἴλουρος (Ailuros). When translated,it means "cat".
 Bastet.svg  When the stories about cats reached further places it thought that cats are sent by the devil to help witches in evil-doing and a black cat became a synonym for bad luck. 

Black cats have been associated with witches for ages,however,this animals hold more to them than folk tales. Using cats in magick spells will increase the spell power. Familiar never leaves your side. It is important to know that a familiar chooses you. Once the two are found, the witch has to choose a name for the cat. Most witches decide to bless the cat and its name. Here is an example of the spell:

Bast of beauty and grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (cat's name) from harm,
And keep him/her safe and warm.
Watch over him/her from day to day,
And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness,and a good life free of strife and stress."

The longer the witch and the cat spend the time together,connection grows. Type of a mental link is created. They are very interesting creatures and they require lots of love and care. Well,all pets do :P

             Did you know?

  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
  • Like humans cats are left or right handed. Female cats are typically right-pawed while male cats are typically left-pawed.
  • Cats are the only domestic animal not mentioned in the bible.
  • Cats will spend 30% of their lives grooming themselves.

  • 17 Adult cats only meow to communicate with humans.
  • Cats lick themselves to get your scent off.
  • The Egyptian Mau is the oldest breed of cat.
  • The first cat in space was French. She was named Felicette, or "Astrocat." She survived the trip.

* A familiar doesn't need to be strictly a black cat. 

If you have a cat familiar or want to learn more,I recommend
Slikovni rezultat za feline magick

🐾 Morela 


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