Learn about: Herbs

Let's talk about herbs. Herbalism is a big part of magick and craft. Knowing herbs is a useful thing when it comes to spell casting. The uses of herbs vary and it can be used for all kinds of purposes.
Nature has given us many useful plants for teas,charm bags,oils etc.

For the first post on the topic of herbalism,I chose a few of my favorite herbs.
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Slikovni rezultat za chamomile

Also Called: Whig Plant, Scented Mayweed, Camomyle, Ground Apple, Manzanilla (Spanish), Maythen, Earth Apple, Camomile

Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs out there. I tend to use it whenever it is possible.
Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection. In  American south, chamomile is known as a lucky flower. People would make a garland to wear around hair to attract a lover. You can add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances for success. Burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. Chamomile tea is great for stomach issues and it's tea bags can be use for eyes infections. You can was your face in chamomile tea for better skin. Chamomile is also believed by many herbal witches to cause pleasant dreams!


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Also Called: Spike, Nardus, Elf Leaf, Nard

The smell of this plant speaks for itself and the use of lavender has been documented for thousands of years. Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace.It is great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Lavender in the home brings peace, joy and healing. Keep some in your closet,under the pillow in in a vase for a good smell. Burned flowers induces sleep and rest. Lavender can also heighten your psychic senses. Use it in conjunction with an amethyst stone. It may help you achieve a higher level of psychic ability.To bring love your way, carry lavender flowers in a sachet on your person, or hang stalks of it in your home.


Slikovni rezultat za rosemary

Also Called: Elf Leaf, Sea Dew, Polar Plant, Guardrobe, Compass Weed, Dew of the Sea, Mary's Cloak, Stella Maria, Star of the Sea, Incensier

"Rosemary is for remembrance." wrote William Shakespeare and he was right. Rosemary is an amazing plant with many different uses and a pleasant smell. It can be used in cooking as well. It can be worn to improve memory .
  Roman priests used rosemary as incense in religious ceremonies. This plant was often associated with faeries and was used as a protection from witches,devil and other things during the past.  Rosemary as an incense is great for meditation and can be used in different spellsIt is one of the oldest incenses
Rosemary may be substituted for any other herb.


Slikovni rezultat za Yarrow

Also called: Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Knight's Milfoil, Thousand Weed, Nose Bleed, Carpenter's Weed, and Staunchweed

“Thou pretty herb of Venus TreeThy true name is YarrowNow who my bosom friend must bePray tell thou me tomorrow”.
This is a plant I recently discovered and I loved it. It is one the world's oldest medicinal plants and has been used since very ancient times. This useful herb can be found anywhere in the world. I discovered it while I was walking my dog. The only problem is that it can be easily mistaken for Hemlock which is a very poisonous plant.  Yarrow can be used in magical workings related to healing, love, and courage. You can wear it to boost self confidence or add to jars in love spells.  It is said that a  sprig hanging over the marriage bed guarantees at least seven years of passion and love and a yarrow bath can increase psychic abilities. It is great for banishing negative energies out of a place or even a person so it is used in banishing spells. It was one of the plants used in exorcisms as well.

Slikovni rezultat za hemlock vs yarrow


Slikovni rezultat za sandalwood

Also Called: Sandal, Santal, White Saunders, White Sandalwood, Red Sandalwood, Yellow Sandalwood

Sandalwood is a slow-growing wood with a rich, complex scent. Indigenous to Southeast Asia. In India,sandalwood has been used as an incense since the ancient times. It is believed to have cooling and soothing properties, and to direct one’s attention toward the divine realms.
Write your wish on a chip of sandalwood and burn it in the censer or cauldron while visualizing your wish to make it come true.

 Sandalwood helps in healing. It may align the chakras for better energy flow. Sandalwood corresponds to the Moon and Water. Ayurvedic medicine classifies Sandalwood as cooling, aphrodisiac, and anti-inflammatory


Slikovni rezultat za valerian herb

Also Called: Valerian Root, All-Heal, Garden Heliotrope, Graveyard Dust, Phu, Setwell, Vandal Root

Valerian is bound to Venus and water.  It has been a well-known herb for centuries in medicine as far as being a helpful a sleep aid and nerve calmer. For protection from evil and magick, use Valerian in sachets, amulets, or talismans and carry it with you. I also add it to jars while doing jar spells for love because it is also known as a useful plant for love and harmony spells and potions, including spells for sexual love. When used in teas it can have a relaxing effect. 

How To Dry Herbs

  • Cut healthy branches from your herb plants and remove any dry or diseased leaves. 
  • Bundle 4 - 6 stems together and tie as a bunch. After that,punch or cut several holes in a paper bag. You should write the name of the herb you are drying on it to avoid any further confusion. Place those bunches upside down in the paper bag.
  • Gather the ends of the bag around the bundle and tie closed. Make sure the herbs are not crowded inside the bag. Hang the bag upside down in a room.
* Check the plants after 2 weeks to see the progress. Continue drying them until they are ready to storage.

Storing Dried Herbs

  • You can store herbs in containers that will be secured from air. Anything from jars,plastic bags and similar will do.
  • Label your container with the name of the herb and the date. You can get artistic on this and even decorate the container.
  • Discard any dried herbs that show the slightest sign of mold.
* Herbs are best to use within  a year.

There is so much more to say about herbs. That is why I will post two more posts on this topic and try to cover the most important things. 
If you have the time,I would recommend reading as much as you can on this topic as it is one of the oldest crafts. 

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For any questions about this topic you can mail me at thewitchesbroomcloset@yahoo.com and I will cover your question. 

Until the next post where we will go a little bit into the history of herbs and herbalism,
merry part!

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