Jar Magick

I woke up this morning and it seemed like it will be a bad day. It was. Things with my college got complicated. So I figured out that it could be a good idea to cast a jar spell. My last jar spell worked so well!
For some while I thought it won't because it seemed my spells stopped working. However,that was not the case. Lucky me.  So right now as I write this post I will try to mix up a good jar spell.

But before I am going to write something about jar spells.
Jar spells are an old form of folk magic. One of the earliest mentions of this type of magic came from a 17th century. There is a story that tells of a man who got advised to make a Witch's jar for his wife, because it was suspected that she was being 'bewitched' and they wanted to break the curse.This type of magick is most commonly used for baneful magic,however, we are all familiar with  The Hoodoo ‘honey jar spell’,which means this spells can apply to many things.
Bottles and containers are used in hoodoo to hold power and carry out spells. In them you can add whatever suits your spell. Herbs,honey,rice,flowers,personal items,....
The jar then has to be worked with prayers,like casting a spell,corresponding candles and of course intent.



Jar Spell For Money and Prosperity  

 Tip: Some correspondences for prosperity spells

The planet for prosperity is the Sun and the day is Sunday. Best done around 7am, 2pm and 9pm. Element is fire and deities are the ones connected to Sun such as:  Apollo (Roman), Helios (Greek) and Ra (Egyptian). If you are using tarot cards for this kind of a spell use wands. Color is yellow just like the color of the Sun = gold and yellow. Green is also associated with wealth. 
Numerology:the number 6 since it is connected with harmony and is the most productive of all numbers. 
It can also be referred to as the number for love, luck, beauty, chance, health and prosperity. Incenses and herbs you would have to use are Tangerine, Nutmeg, Vervain,Clover and Cinnamon. Esbat time is the best time do these spells. 

You shall need: 

  1. a jar (cleanse it first with salt and water and rub it with alcohol from the bottom to the top clockwise.)
  2. Cinnamon ( it can be powdered) and Chamomile ( you can take it from the tea bag)
  3. yellow,silver or green candle. ( But remember, the more the merrier!) White can be added to to assist.
  4. money coins
  5.  a paper and a pen
  6. Clover , Oregano ( you can add oregano as well. It is used in Italian meals but has been used for love, happiness, luck, and protection.)
  7. green and yellow strings
  8.  Rice ( it has properties for money,sex,fertility,protection and is ruled by Yang so it carries the energies of the Sun that we need for prosperity part of the spell. 
  9. Ace of Wands card and Ace of Coins

  •  Cleanse the jar.  
  • Think about what you want to accomplish with this spell. Write is on the paper and fold it towards you. 
  • Pick as many clovers as you can.
  • Mix Cinnamon and Oregano with Chamomile in a jar of some kind.
  • Collect 12 coins ( maybe even better the ones you find randomly on the street)
The spell: 

Place a jar on your altar and rise it up to the air then slowly place it back down.
 - Invoke deities to assist you in this spell working or simply state your intent-

a) Gods and Goddesses I invoke thee/Ra I invoke thee/Forces I invoke thee/(your deity) I invoke thee
       To assist me in this spell. Help me make this jar my prosperity jar. So it may bring me good fortune. So may it be! 

b) I make this jar my prosperity jar and it shall bring me good fortune- So may it be!

Light your candles.Take one clover and place it on the paper with your intent written on it ( still folded) and seal it with the candle wax. Then add the paper in you jar. Everything else you have left of Clovers add to the jar as well. Do the same with the mixture of Cinnamon,Oregano and Chamomile you made earlier. Add 6 coins and drop candle wax again but this time in the jar. 6 drops! Finally fill it with rice and close it.

Tip: If you want to do this in a Blood Magick way you can also add 6 drops of your own blod

Tie the ribbons around the lid of the jar and decorate it as you wish.
Make a circle with 6 coins and in it put 2 of the tarot cards. They should be facing upwards side by side. Place the jar on them.
Place the white candle on the lid of the jar and say your prayer as the candle burns.
After you are done with the prayer,lean the candle on the lid,allowing wax to fall over the lead across the glass,sealing it.
You can place a candle back on the lid to stick with the jar if you want to re lit it every now or so until the spell has succeed.
Make sure to hide your jar somewhere where only you can find it and don't think about it too much.
After the spell is done bury the remains or empty the content into the flowing water and cleanse the jar.

There you go. I will add this one in my spellbook and you can too. It seems that I will try this spell this Sunday. If you try it,I would love to hear how it worked for you! You know where to find me☺️

Until the next post on Types of witches
Happy casting!

 ✌️ Morela


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