Medal luck spell

Earlier this day I met with my friend for coffee and then the rain started. We were trapped there. Guys who were sitting a table next to us,joined our conversation. We were talking about luck. In Croatia,old stories say how whenever you are given something purely out of the good will,it will bring you luck. So this man gave me a football medal and wished me the best. That's when occurred to me that I can make a spell out of this.

You shall need:
  1. a medal or a pendant of any kind. It would be the best if it is something that someone has given to you. 
  2. chamomile and lemon juice
  3. some kind of a string ( best green)
  4. green candle
  5. small knife
  6. toothpick
The spell:

Engrave fehu into it.
Fehu symbolizes wealth, money, food, luck, personal power, circulation of power,  financial strength, prosperity

– “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth

Rub the medal or a pendant with lemon juice visualizing how energies are being purified.
Open a camomile teabag and place it inside. Say:
"I pray for luck and it shall come
a magickal medal/pendant for a luck drum
I call the forces to grant me luck
a magick charm and the luck plucked
So I say and it shall be
A magick spell
I say to thee.
So may it be,so may it be."
Take the knife and engrave fehu ond the medal. Fold the sting and hang the medal on it. Tie it in the 3 knots.
As you put it around your neck say:

"Luck come to me"

* If you think you don't need it anymore because it has served its purpose, give it to someone as a gift.

Good luck!

  ✌️ Morela


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