How To: Making a wand

1. Select a branch of an appropriate size and shape.  The wand is usually associated with the element of air so it is better to collect your wand while the moon is in the sign of Libra, Aquarius or Gemini. 

2. Some time is needed to cure the branch of other energies and to prepare it for your work. This is done by placing a branch somewhere to dry until the next waxing moon. You can place a small glass filled with salt next to the branch to cleanse energies from it

3. While waiting for your future wand to cure you will choose how you want it to look like. What symbols and carving you want it to posses. You can decorate it any way you like it. It is your wand and make it as personalized as you can. 

Some ideas and tips:

a) You can wrap silk around it making a place to hold. You can choose the color based on your element or the element you usually work with. 

Earth: Green and brown

Air: Yellow and white 

Fire: Red

Water: Blue

Spirit: Purple, white and black  

b) A rock at the base of the wand can storage energies before releasing them

c)  You can add crystals based on the intent of the wands. You can make a wand for a specific purpose.

 Binghamite - Good Fortune, Elves and Fairies Energy

 Brazil Crystals - Said by some to be the most powerful crystal energy, healing

 Sapphire - Creative Expression, Intuition

 Scolecite - Manifestation, Improve Relationships, Inner Peace

d) Add runes! They are always welcome in magical workings. 


4. Before you put materials on your wand make sure to cleanse them. You can do that in many different ways. Put them under the full moon for a night or wash them with moon water. You can make blessed water and use that as a tool. There are many options.

5. Don't forget to CHARGE your wand. Focus on the energy and let it flow into the wands. Imagine a white light coming out of you and filling the wand.

 And if you don't have any ideas? For inspiration look at these beautiful wands.

 ✌️ Morela




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