
Prikazuju se postovi od srpanj, 2017

Lammas celebration

As the wheel of the year keeps turning so the time for Lammas has come. It is also called Lughnasadh. With it we are welcoming the Harvest. The days are long and sunny and everything is at it's full peek. In some traditions this holiday is celebrated in a way to honor the god Lugh.                      - Lugh Lugh Lugh is a god from Irish mythology. He is a warrior,a king and a hero. Lugh is often associated with art and crafts and is know as a sun god, a storm god and a sky god. Lammas is named after him. Although Lugh gives his name to this festival, it is also associated with Lugh's foster mother Tailtiu. To learn more about this Celetic god,you can find lots of information here. Magick,rituals and Lammas activity With this holiday,  harvest is approaching and it is a messenger that the hot days shall come to an end. This is the time for magick around the home. You can use sunflowers,vervian, honey and bread in your spells. It is a good time for protec

Medal luck spell

Earlier this day I met with my friend for coffee and then the rain started. We were trapped there. Guys who were sitting a table next to us,joined our conversation. We were talking about luck. In Croatia,old stories say how whenever you are given something purely out of the good will,it will bring you luck. So this man gave me a football medal and wished me the best. That's when occurred to me that I can make a spell out of this. You shall need: a medal or a pendant of any kind. It would be the best if it is something that someone has given to you.  chamomile and lemon juice some kind of a string ( best green) green candle small knife toothpick The spell: Engrave fehu into it. Fehu symbolizes wealth, money, food, luck, personal power, circulation of power,  financial strength, prosperity – “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth Rub the medal or a pendant with lemon juice visualizing how energies are being purified.

Jar Magick

I woke up this morning and it seemed like it will be a bad day. It was. Things with my college got complicated. So I figured out that it could be a good idea to cast a jar spell. My last jar spell worked so well! For some while I thought it won't because it seemed my spells stopped working. However,that was not the case. Lucky me.  So right now as I write this post I will try to mix up a good jar spell. But before I am going to write something about jar spells. Jar spells are an old form of folk magic. One of the earliest mentions of this type of magic came from a 17th century. There is a story that tells of a man who got advised to make a Witch's jar for his wife, because it was suspected that she was being 'bewitched' and they wanted to break the curse.This type of magick is most commonly used for baneful magic,however, we are all familiar with  The Hoodoo ‘honey jar spell’,which means this spells can apply to many things. Bottles and containers are used in hoodo

Types of witches + BOOKS

I have noticed how most of the beginners worry about their label. Let me tell you something, I was Wiccan,Satanist,Buddhist and my more until I finally step by step understood how my practice is about every practice there is. I find magick so interesting and I could never decide only for one path. Witchcraft is something (in my opinion) that comes to you. When you are ready. So there is no need to find out all of the answers right now. Take your time and devote firstly to things you find best.  Try Shamanism for a while. I mean,study about that. Give it a try. See how it feels. Try Wiccan a year and a day and see how it goes. You like herbs? Check out all the cool things you can do with it. Magick is an amazing "place" to grow,learn and create. It is your personal path and you have an obligation to yourself. Not someone who is more experienced than you. If you get what I am  trying to say. Magick is personal. You can either purely do witchcraft with no religion,you ca

Esbat music

While talking about fool Moon and setting a feast we can also speak about music to play while celebrating. Here are a few song and chants that often appear on my playlist on esbats. Aradia's chant  Full Moon chant We are the circle Mother of darkness Wild faerie dance ✌️ Morela

Esbats + Esbat recipes

"Esbat is a coven meeting dother than one of the sabbats. For witches this is the time when we connect with deity,the Goddess,nature and conduct much of a magickal workings. "                                                                                     - Taken from my grimorie Janet and Stewart Farrar describe esbats as an opportunity for a "love feast, healing work, psychic training and all." With each full Moon we have a  new esbat. That is the time of the month when the energy is at it's peek. That time is for all kinds of spells. It is the time to perform a ritual and set a feast. Fun fact: Our ancestors would calculate time in esbats. For example,the deal could be made to trade something after 3 times the moon riches it's peek. Sabbat festivals honor the God essence. The difference between sabbaths and esbats is in the meaning. Sabbats are so to say holydays and there is 8 of them. There are 12 and sometimes 13 full Moons a


  From today, you can submit for an email so you can keep up with the posts I make here. No spam is included. You get a mail only if I post a new spell or something of witchy topic.  And as always, ✌❤Morela

A general charge for spell work + SPELL FOR BANISHING AND NEEDED CHANGES

Here I will show you two simple spells. The first one is a simple chant you can cast to charge your spells with extra energy. The other one is a spell that is great when you feel stuck. I did not wrote the spells myself,however I found them in my spellbook. I like to collect good spells. So here they are,hopefully they will help you just like they helped me.                           A GENERAL CHARGE FOR SPELL WORK The following chant is a good all purpose chant that can be used for just about any spell: Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade, Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic's made. Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here, to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near. Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way, Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay. Powers that are, powers that be, gather round

Magick with a K

In the beginning of the knowledge behind magick, it is important to understand the world itself. Magick as it is defined is something producing remarkable results, especially when not fully understood. It the use of rituals or actions, especially based on supernatural or occult knowledge, to manipulate or obtain information about the world. Magick is most commonly spelled with a letter k in it. The main reason for an additional letter is to distinguish stage magic or performance magic from the Occult one and and it has been used in Grimoires since  the 17th century.  Magick with the additional k in more understandable way of explaining is defined as   "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will"  in the context of Aleister Crowley's Thelema. He understood magick as an important and essential method for a human being to reach and fully understand self.    “One must find out for oneself, and make sure beyond doubt, who one is, what one

Pandora's box - Hope spell

The gods offered Pandora a box that held within numerous evils,diseases and other pain. One day Pandora opened the box,releasing all evils into the world. Shocked by what happened,she quickly tried to pull the lid back,only managing to trap hope inside.                                            (The original Greek word for box was 'pithos', which is a large jar) For more about this legend read here: The Meaning of Pandora's Box - A Curse from Zeus on Mankind   And for those who want to read  the full myth Pandora's Box Now,let's get back to our spell. You will need: a box fabric flowers holy water pure intention  candles (white) Make ribbons out of fabric for 7 days before the full moon and place them in the box. On the full moon open the box on the altar filled with flowers. Light the candles. Think how you want to give hope. How much difference it could make. Surround yourself with positive thoughts. Make a drawn pentagram over the box wit

Being a witch

When you are a witch,everything is possible. You are given many information. Witchcraft is so to say a path to wisdom. I have always seen it that way. When you get in touch with magick you become more aware of the world around you. You begin to see many patterns but a different perspective is present. As a witch you will confront yourself with 13 goals. Those are : 1. Know yourself. 2. Know your Craft. 3. Learn. 4. Apply knowledge with wisdom. 5. Achieve balance. 6. Keep your words in good order. 7. Keep your thoughts in good order. 8. Celebrate life. 9.Attune with the cycles of the Earth. 10. Breathe and eat correctly. 11. Exercise the body. 12. Meditate. 13. Honor the deities. Witchcraft is about learning and growing. Each witch is a priestess on her/his own and therefore, can establish a contact with the deities on her/his own.  Being a witch means having the knowledge most people don't. However, a witch is always balanced and kno


 Everybody wants to dress smart. Since summer is here I decided to look up some ideas form my friends witches and maybe inspire your look during this hot weathers. I will also link you a page where you can buy so much and so cheap all over the world. It is called AliExpress and you can shop for anything you want. BOS,candels,tattoo guns,you name it,they probably have it. I just got myself a new tattoo gun. Anyhow,back to the topic.  May I represent you ideas for the Summer of 2017.?                                                                                                                    Black magick woman?     We can agree how this look is mostly inspired by AHS fandom. Can you blame me? This outfits are amazing .        This is one of my favorites. Great for beaches but al so great to use in your craft as a special spell robe . (I want this so bad) This totally classy witchy style    And for those with a hippie in thei


Luckily we live in century where today's technology makes everything so much easier.  That can apply even to magick community. While I was starting,sadly those apps weren't there but now they are here in a full swing to help on the way. Here are my recommendations on few apps I found at GooglePlay . Hopefully you will find most of them useful in your craft 1.  Simple Moon Phase Calendar         I love this app so much because you can use it as a calendar or as a widget of the moon. It tells you everything you need to know about the moon that day. What size it is,what sign,when it will reach it's peek and all kinds of different information. I would defiantly recommend using it. 2. Wicca Calendar     This is a great app if you are new to Paganism and Wicca because it illustrates the wheel of the year and shows you exactly what sabbath is comming up next. It even has a timer.     However it goes far more than just being a calendar. You have your ow