
Feline magick

Feline magick also knows as cat magick is a form of magick that involves pets as a familiar.                                                  All over the world there are stories about cats and magick. It was said that  deliberately hurting the cat would bring misfortune.  If a black cat crosses your path it means bad luck.  An old sailors’ tale cautions against throwing the ship’s cat overboard. The tale said that this would  guarantee stormy seas, rough wind, and possibly even a sinking.  In Japan, the  maneki-neko  is a cat figurine who brings good luck into your home. It is usually made of ceramic and a paw up is a welcome sign. It can often be found in feng shui. "Feng shui  or  fengshui  is a  Chinese  philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. It is closely linked to  Taoism ."  It is believed that : Cats can predict the weather,death... Sixteenth-century Italians believed that if a black cat jumped on the bed of an i

Learn about: Herbs

Let's talk about herbs. Herbalism is a big part of magick and craft. Knowing herbs is a useful thing when it comes to spell casting. The uses of herbs vary and it can be used for all kinds of purposes. Nature has given us many useful plants for teas,charm bags,oils etc. For the first post on the topic of herbalism,I chose a few of my favorite herbs.                 Chamomile Also Called: Whig Plant, Scented Mayweed, Camomyle, Ground Apple, Manzanilla (Spanish), Maythen, Earth Apple, Camomile Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs out there. I tend to use it whenever it is possible. Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection. In    American south, chamomile is known as a lucky flower. People would make a garland to wear around hair to attract a lover. You can add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances for success.  Burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. Chamomile tea is great for stomach issues and it's tea bags

Types of witches + BOOKS II.

It has been a while since my last post on this topic. I've been so busy lately with preparations for college,tattooing and for a big part enjoying in these warm days so I didn't manage to find the time to write. If you haven't read the first post on this topic,you can read it here. HEREDITARY WITCH - The term hereditary witch, is given to the witch who has inherited the magick gifts through family. These witches usually come from a long chain of witches that goes even centuries into the past. They are born with magick gifts that they discover early in life and start learning about magick even from childhood. Of course, these gifts and general interest in magick may skip a generation or be found just on the specific part of the family. For example,only males or females get the "witchy blood"  Each family has it’s own unique traditions that are passed through books of shadows and many other magickal writings. Usually they stick together as a family rather than

Lammas celebration

As the wheel of the year keeps turning so the time for Lammas has come. It is also called Lughnasadh. With it we are welcoming the Harvest. The days are long and sunny and everything is at it's full peek. In some traditions this holiday is celebrated in a way to honor the god Lugh.                      - Lugh Lugh Lugh is a god from Irish mythology. He is a warrior,a king and a hero. Lugh is often associated with art and crafts and is know as a sun god, a storm god and a sky god. Lammas is named after him. Although Lugh gives his name to this festival, it is also associated with Lugh's foster mother Tailtiu. To learn more about this Celetic god,you can find lots of information here. Magick,rituals and Lammas activity With this holiday,  harvest is approaching and it is a messenger that the hot days shall come to an end. This is the time for magick around the home. You can use sunflowers,vervian, honey and bread in your spells. It is a good time for protec

Medal luck spell

Earlier this day I met with my friend for coffee and then the rain started. We were trapped there. Guys who were sitting a table next to us,joined our conversation. We were talking about luck. In Croatia,old stories say how whenever you are given something purely out of the good will,it will bring you luck. So this man gave me a football medal and wished me the best. That's when occurred to me that I can make a spell out of this. You shall need: a medal or a pendant of any kind. It would be the best if it is something that someone has given to you.  chamomile and lemon juice some kind of a string ( best green) green candle small knife toothpick The spell: Engrave fehu into it. Fehu symbolizes wealth, money, food, luck, personal power, circulation of power,  financial strength, prosperity – “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth Rub the medal or a pendant with lemon juice visualizing how energies are being purified.

Jar Magick

I woke up this morning and it seemed like it will be a bad day. It was. Things with my college got complicated. So I figured out that it could be a good idea to cast a jar spell. My last jar spell worked so well! For some while I thought it won't because it seemed my spells stopped working. However,that was not the case. Lucky me.  So right now as I write this post I will try to mix up a good jar spell. But before I am going to write something about jar spells. Jar spells are an old form of folk magic. One of the earliest mentions of this type of magic came from a 17th century. There is a story that tells of a man who got advised to make a Witch's jar for his wife, because it was suspected that she was being 'bewitched' and they wanted to break the curse.This type of magick is most commonly used for baneful magic,however, we are all familiar with  The Hoodoo ‘honey jar spell’,which means this spells can apply to many things. Bottles and containers are used in hoodo

Types of witches + BOOKS

I have noticed how most of the beginners worry about their label. Let me tell you something, I was Wiccan,Satanist,Buddhist and my more until I finally step by step understood how my practice is about every practice there is. I find magick so interesting and I could never decide only for one path. Witchcraft is something (in my opinion) that comes to you. When you are ready. So there is no need to find out all of the answers right now. Take your time and devote firstly to things you find best.  Try Shamanism for a while. I mean,study about that. Give it a try. See how it feels. Try Wiccan a year and a day and see how it goes. You like herbs? Check out all the cool things you can do with it. Magick is an amazing "place" to grow,learn and create. It is your personal path and you have an obligation to yourself. Not someone who is more experienced than you. If you get what I am  trying to say. Magick is personal. You can either purely do witchcraft with no religion,you ca